Quartet Singing

Quartet Singing

Quartet Singing Links
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This page details the Quartet Singing Interests that I have...further information is in the Webmaster Biography link. This page was last updated Oct. 7, 2017.

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Quartet Links

  • Society For The Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America (S.P.E.B.Q.S.A.)
  • S.P.E.B.Q.S.A. Chapter Locator
  • S.P.E.B.Q.S.A. Heritage Hall Museum of Barbershop Harmony
  • Diamond State Chorus, Little Rock, Arkansas
  • The Alley Cats, Yorba Linda, California
  • Harmony Foundation
  • The Ultimate in Barbershop Links by Diane Garcia
  • Mixed Harmony Barbershop Quartet Association

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