The Sinner And The Sin

The Sinner And The Sin

The Sinner And The Sin
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Sinner And The Sin

''The Sinner And The Sin''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) These two seem inseparable...the sinner and the sin.
For all mankind is guilty of the deed of transgression.
Ever since that fateful day, in Eden's Garden home.
When Eve, then Adam, rebelled there; sins curse, to all, was shown.

2) While it began with Lucifer...the sinner and the sin.
He, the covering cherub there, became prideful within.
One third of angels he deceived, in his rebellious scheme.
The result, a nightmare shown, destroyed his evil dream.

3) But, The Lord, in dealing with, the sinner and the sin.
He made a way for sinful man, to come back to Him.
By the shedding there of blood, innocent sacrifice,
God's Righteous Judgement satisfied, to pay sins awful price.

4) After sacrifices for, the sinner and the sin.
The Lord Himself, would pay sins price, for all mankinds kin.
Jesus Christ, God's Only Son, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
The Lamb Of God, died in our place, on that somber day.

5) Resurrection victory for, the sinner and the sin.
When sinners asked The Lord into their lives, He would come in.
Satan's power broken there, by Calvary's Rugged Cross.
Jesus died and rose again, to redeem the lost.

6) God's Standard is Perfection to, the sinner and the sin.
For into Heaven, there will be, no sin to enter in.
Only cleansing by Christ's Blood, and His Righteousness,
Will keep you from the Wrath Of God, for your sinful mess.

7) This truth remains now, therefore with, the sinner and the sin.
While God accepts the sinner, He rejects their sin within.
If anyone accepts The Lord by faith, in what they do.
Their old lives are passed away, and all things now, are new.

8) If going through the motions for, the sinner and the sin.
God knows your motives, you'll be judged, when standing before Him.
Instead of being welcomed to the perfect, Heavenly home.
You'll be cast into The Fire, as one He's never known.

9) Choose today to deal with, the sinner and the sin.
God wants all to repent now, in faith, to come to Him.
But, He will not force you to forsake sinful desires.
If sin's your choice, you'll be tormented, in The Lake Of Fire.

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