There Is None Beside The Lord

There Is None Beside The Lord

There Is None Beside The Lord
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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There Is None Beside The Lord

''There Is None Beside The Lord''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Throughout the course of history, things you may have heard.
Contrary to what God says, in pages of His Word.
The other gods and deities, spread across the board.
All of these are false...There Is None Beside The Lord.

2) Whether mythological, or pagan in their form.
These false gods proliferate, as in an insect swarm.
But they cannot see or hear; prayers to them, ignored.
All of these are false...There Is None Beside The Lord.

3) All of these false deities created long ago.
By Satan and his demon hordes, in their evil show.
The Righteousness of God's Words, all these, there, have deplored.
These deities are false...There Is None Beside The Lord.

4) Behind all these deities, and idols, demons lurk.
All engaged to entrap souls in Satan's wicked work.
Accepting these, the pain is worse, than from a bull, there gored.
All of these are false...There Is None Beside The Lord.

5) Counterfeit religions, faiths, abound across the Earth.
But Heaven's only for those who repent, receive, New Birth.
Heeding God's call to repent, His Warning, there, implored.
All others there are false...There Is None Beside The Lord.

6) Jesus Christ, The Truth, The Life, The Way, for all to see.
He said that ''No one comes to God, unless they come through Me''.
Tragically, most reject Him, bounded by sins cords.
All beside Christ, are false...There Is None Beside The Lord.

7) If those who put their faith in Christ, before their last breath.
If they're wrong, they won't lose much, on moment of their death.
But, unbelievers, if they're wrong...they'll fall by God's Sword.
They'll realize there, too late...There Is None Beside The Lord.

8) If you pray to anything, or anyone but Christ.
Eternally, friend, you will pay, a tormenting price.
The Lord, He paid your sin debt, one you could not there, afford.
The Only Way To Heaven...There Is None Beside The Lord.

9) When you meet Christ before His Throne, and you see His Face;
Will you rejoice and Praise Him, for His Gift, Amazing Grace?
Or will you be there, terrified, His Gift, you there ignored?
The choice is yours to make...There Is None Beside The Lord.

10) Hell or Heaven, your choice, friend...what will it now be?
One day, all before The Lord, will bow on bended knee.
He wants you to come to Him, repentance there, implored.
Don't ignore His Free Gift...There Is None Beside The Lord.

11) While The Lord, He won't force you, now to heed His Voice.
Your eternal destiny depends upon your choice.
Christ is knocking, waiting there, now at your Heart's Door.
Come To Jesus now, for There Is None Beside The Lord.

12) God's Word, sealed there in Heaven, Final Authority.
Earth And Heaven pass away...His Words, Eternally.
Only Redeemed will join Christ, there on Heaven's Shore.
Will you repent and join us?? There Is None Beside The Lord.

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