The Blessed Hope

The Blessed Hope

The Blessed Hope
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Blessed Hope

''The Blessed Hope''

Based On Titus 2:13

Written By Daryl Stout

1) The Blessed Hope, the only hope that's there.
The Glorious Appearing Of Our Lord,
And Saviour, Jesus Christ, in Rapture shared,
The Redeemed Praise Him in one accord.

2) The Blessed Hope, at shout and trumpet sound.
The saved rise in twinkling of an eye.
Both alive, and those dead in the ground.
Join The Lord there, up in Heaven's Sky.

3) The Blessed Hope, their Earthly lives now done.
Left behind their troubles, woes, and cares.
As they look on Christ, God's Only Son.
Reunion like no other, in the air.

4) The Blessed Hope, real soon on Rapture Day;
Without warning, it will there take place.
The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
The Redeemed, thrilled when they see His Face.

5) The Blessed Hope, then Bema Judgment Seat.
Rewards and crowns for the saved, in that place.
The Church, with Christ, perfect and complete.
Partakers all, of God's Amazing Grace.

6) The Blessed Hope, there for The Bride Of Christ.
The Church there wed to Christ, Her Loving Groom.
For the saved, He paid sins awful price.
They join Him there now in that Heavenly Room.

7) The Blessed Hope, a shock to all the Earth.
Without a trace, scores have disappeared.
Those left behind, all these refused New Birth.
They enter Tribulation, filled with fear.

8) The Blessed Hope, it will occur so fast;
When the saved are raptured to the sky.
So quickly, it will leave the world aghast.
They won't have time to even say ''good-bye''.

9) The Blessed Hope, for all those left behind;
They'll believe the truth of Satan's lie.
Loving sin, these spiritually blind;
Will deny the Rapture in the sky.

10) The Blessed Hope, is imminently near.
Too late to join the saved, once it is done.
Believe on Christ, the Gospel message clear;
Repent of sin, accept God's Only Son.

11) The Blessed Hope, will you join this great crowd??
Repent of sin, before The Lord, now fall.
God's Trumpet, and the shout will be so loud.
But, only the redeemed will hear the call.

12) The Blessed Hope, The Rapture, that great day.
When The Lord appears, we'll be like Him.
Praising Him through all eternal days.
In our place, He died, then rose again.

13) The Blessed Hope, I eagerly await.
To join the saved that have gone on before.
To see The Lord, and loved ones, will be great.
As we gather there on Heaven's shore.

14) The Blessed Hope, when least expected, comes.
The Rapture, Sudden, Glorious, for the saved.
Now with Christ, God's Precious Only Son.
Who lived and died and rose up from the grave.

15) The Blessed Hope, The Only Hope, you see.
Escaping Tribulation coming soon.
Then Christ return, Lord for eternity;
Those rejecting Him, will meet their doom.

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