Your Sins Are A Barrier

Your Sins Are A Barrier

Your Sins Are A Barrier
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Your Sins Are A Barrier

''Your Sins are a Barrier''

Based On Isaiah 59:2

Written By Daryl Stout

1. Your sins are a barrier between you and God;
Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
''Come, let us reason'', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

2. Man and Woman, created God's Image made.
But, sin fell on all mankind...when God, they disobeyed.
A sacrifice...blood to be shed...sins penalty to pay,
Was part of God's Great Master Plan, for all mankind one day.

3. God saw that man's heart imagined only evil continually.
All would die in Judgments' Flood...but Noah and family;
As well as two of every creature in that Ark of Wood,
To rebuild the Earth once again, for creations' good.

4. But, sadly it did not take long, for mankind to rebel.
They turned their backs upon the Lord, caught up in sins spell.
They killed the prophets that warned of judgment, for the sins of man,
Who kept evil things there that had been driven from the land.

5. God sent judgments upon mankind, when they in sin would live.
But, when they repented of their sin, God would them forgive.
Back and forth, the cycle went...down through history's line.
Then, God sent His Own Son to Earth, to defeat sin for all time.

6. Born of a Virgin, in a manger...the Saviour for every man.
Was tempted like us, but did no evil...the Perfect, Sinless, Lamb.
Knowing they'd reject Him...and nail Him to a Tree...
He'd Rise Again that Easter morn...and set the sinner free.

7. Today, as still thinks he's guaranteed Heaven.
But, he forgets that just one sin, fills his life with leaven.
He prays to many things and people for his eternity...
But, ignores The Way, The Truth, The Life, Who'd cleanse his sinful deeds.

8. He confesses sins to mortal man...a sinner, just as he.
Who could use that as blackmail pride and vanity.
But, if man sins, a mediator between God and man will plead...
For our forgiveness...Jesus Christ...who on the Cross did bleed.

9. If you have not received forgiveness for your sins, dear friend...
Accept Jesus Christ as, on your knees bend.
Humble yourself before the Lord...ask Him to save your soul.
Turn your life over to Him...and let Him have control.

10. Shall we continue to live in sin, that grace may abound there??
God forbid!! We're dead to sin, and its evil cares.
Not licensed to sin...but to serve...the least that we can do.
And, when we die, we join Him Heaven's Glory True.

11. At Jesus Christ's Second Coming...with Him, there you'll ride.
And, for a thousand years there...with Him at your side...
You'll reign and rule with Him, in glory, over all the Earth...
Praising Him for saving you...and for your new birth.

12. Yes, your sins are a barrier between you and God;
Fellowship apart, as down lifes path you've trod.
''Come, let us reason'', says the Lord...for you He truly knows...
Your scarlet sins...covered with His Blood...become white as snow.

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