Evil Deeds Greatly Increase, Then God Intervenes

Evil Deeds Greatly Increase, Then God Intervenes

Evil Deeds Greatly Increase, Then God Intervenes
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Evil Deeds Greatly Increase, Then God Intervenes

''Evil Deeds Greatly Increase, Then God Intervenes''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) From history there long ago, to times of today.
Good seems to disappear, while evil has its way.
Mankind's actions so unkind, most are there, so mean.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

2) First in Heaven long ago, when Lucifer rebelled.
Deceived one third of angels there, condemning them to Hell.
Satan launched his coup-de-tat, his victory seemed so keen.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

3) But, God saw the insurrection and pride immediately.
The Lake Of Fire, for all these, for eternity.
Sin blackened the universe, what formerly was clean.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

4) Then, in Eden's Garden Home, a place of paradise.
Adam and Eve, there deceived; by serpents bad advice.
The cost so great of their one sin; through all creation, seen.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

5) Imagination of man's heart, evil continually.
Destruction of the world by flood, it was doomed to be.
Just Noah and his family, in the Ark, pristine.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

6) Then, Sodom and Gomorrah there, the cities on the plain.
Sexual sin, and evil deeds, time and time again.
Not even ten souls, righteous there, could be found or seen.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

7) Throughout the course of history, Israel and the Jews.
They would stray far from The Lord; pagan gods, they'd choose.
Only through shedding of blood; would their souls, come clean.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

8) In the fullness of time there, Christ would come to Earth.
He came to die for mankind's sins; and to give New Birth.
The Messiah that they wanted there, was not to be seen.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

9) According to the Scriptures, Christ arose on The Third Day.
King Of Kings, Lord Of Lords, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
Announced that He would come again; with all eyes, He's seen.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

10) Breaking of Commandments Ten, iniquities abound.
It seems that goodness disappeared; it cannot be found.
Mankind's heart wicked there; each day, he gets more mean.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

11) Christ told of what life would be like, before He returned.
Believing remnant would repent; the lost, the Gospel, spurned.
After Rapture Of The Church, the Antichrist, now seen.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

12) The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, on Earth for seven years.
Billions die, as their hearts, fail them for fear.
A time of tribulation there, as never has been seen.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

13) At Christ's Second Coming there, millions are destroyed.
By The Word there from His Mouth, Judgment there, employed.
Now all things will be set right; creation fresh and clean.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

14) Satan and his demons bound, for a thousand years.
Peace will finally come to Earth; abscence from the fears.
That plagued Earth for many years, and evil there so mean.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

15) But, millions of unrepentant souls, rebel there one last time.
They won't have Christ rule o'er them; a truly heinous crime.
Christ is their worst nightmare faced; their life played back and seen.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

16) The Lord will in no way acquit, those guilty of their sin.
Destined for The Lake Of Fire, unless they're born again.
God's Creation, and His Rules, nothing in between.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

17) Your righteousness as filthy rags, there before The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than, any two edged sword.
Only through Christ's Righteousness, Heaven you will glean.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

18) Those thinking they will get away, with every deed and crime.
They will stand before The Lord, in long judgment line.
In secret or in open there, all their deeds are seen.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

19) You must make a choice for Christ, on Earth, before you die.
Repent of sin, make Him your Lord; ignore the Devil's lie.
If you spurn The Gospel Gift, you'll find Hell, so mean.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

20) God will not stand idly by, and let sin run free.
One day all bow before Christ, there on bended knee.
For God's Will, it shall be done; His Power shall be seen.
Evil deeds greatly increase; then God intervenes.

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