Judgment Must Begin

Judgment Must Begin

Judgment Must Begin
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Judgment Must Begin

''Judgment Must Begin''

Based on I Peter 4:17

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Judgment must begin, at the House of The Lord,
With every child of God, on bended knee.
With God's Word there, sharper than a two edged sword.
Taking off the outside people see.

2) Judgment must begin, by God's Holy Word,
To judge sin in thought, in word, in deed.
Christ's Death on The Cross, sins judgment was deferred,
In the Precious Blood that He did bleed.

3) Judgment must begin, at The Bema there,
How the saints in their lives served The Lord.
For He gave His All for them, dying to prepare;
He paid the debt that we could not afford.

4) Judgment must begin, to unrepentant souls,
For it was God's Gift, that these did reject.
They preferred to live their lives, under their control,
Thinking God's Word, it had no effect.

5) Judgment must begin, at The Great White Throne
As all the lost are judged there, one by one.
Nothing overlooked that day, everything is known.
By Jesus Christ, God's Begotten Son.

6) Judgment must begin, as Christ was judged as well,
Died in our place there, on that Rugged Cross.
He ransomed the captives there, descended into hell,
His Sacrifice done, to redeem the lost.

7) Judgment must begin, into your life today,
For those who have believed, are not condemned.
Have you accepted Jesus Christ, as Heaven's only Way?
He loved you so...He is your Greatest Friend.

8) Judgment must begin, forever God won't wait;
For you to repent of sins desires.
One day, God's Grace ends, and it'll be too late;
You'll be cast into the Lake Of Fire.

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